Superintendencia Financiera

La Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia surgió de la fusión de la Superintendencia Bancaria de Colombia en la Superintendencia de Valores mediante el Decreto 4327 de 2005, modificado posteriormente por el Decreto 2555 de 2010, la Ley 1480 de 2011 y el Decreto 710 de 2012. La entidad es un organismo técnico adscrito al Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público, con personería jurídica, autonomía administrativa y financiera y patrimonio propio. Fuente: Superfinanciera

Superintendencia de Sociedades

La Superintendencia de Sociedades es un organismo técnico, adscrito al Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, con personería jurídica, autonomía administrativa y patrimonio propio, mediante el cual el Presidente de la República ejerce la inspección, vigilancia y control de las sociedades mercantiles, así como las facultades que le señala la ley en relación con otros entes, personas jurídicas y personas naturales. Fuente: Supersociedades.


La Unidad de Información y Análisis Financiero es la unidad de inteligencia financiera y económica del país y su  misión se centra en proteger la defensa y seguridad nacional en el ámbito económico, mediante inteligencia estratégica y operativa sustentada en tecnología e innovación, en un marco de respeto a los Derechos Fundamentales, al Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos  y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, con el objeto de prevenir y detectar actividades asociadas con los delitos de Lavado de Activos, sus delitos fuente, la Financiación del Terrorismo y proveer información útil en las Acciones de Extinción de Dominio. Fuente: UIAF.

Our Team

Steven Koegler

[email protected]

Industrial Engineer from Los Andes University certified in ISO 31000 by PECB Canada, with more than eighteen years of experience in integral risk management, compliance, internal audit and internal control consulting, projects, investment portfolios and management of assets and liabilities, in the financial and non-financial sectors.

Between 2006 and 2013 he developed the practice of risk consulting in one of the Big Four in Colombia and between 2013 and 2016 he led the implementation of the corporate risk management model in one of the largest business groups in Colombia as Risk Manager ( Chief Risk Officer), as well as the structuring and implementation of the Compliance Program based on risks.

He is currently a founding partner of RiskStrat Consulting and works in partnership with the issuer and certifier of ISO standards for Colombia in the development of compliance assessment, anti-corruption and anti-bribery models and as an instructor of compliance and anti-bribery management systems. He has been in charge of internal audit functions in financial and non-financial entities. Speaker, lecturer and expert professor at national and international level in matters of risks, internal control, compliance and corruption risks.

Nicolás Gómez
[email protected]

Industrial Engineer from the ECCI University of Colombia in Bogotá, certified in Risk of Corruption and Money Laundering by the UIAF and with updates on procedures and requirements for the assembly of compliance programs of the SuperTransportes, responsibility of the legal entities in Colombia and the programs of compliance of the UNODC and Secretariat of Transparency of the Presidency of the Republic.

He has experience in process management, document management, risk management and legal affairs, strategic logistics, customer service. Experience in operational management of Compliance Programs, operations of the knowledge policies of customers, suppliers and employees, the impacted processes and associated controls. Likewise, in the construction of matrices of operative risks, prevention of fraud, corruption, LAFT and other compliance risks and in the design of associated controls, for the strengthening of the control environment of the processes; in methodologies for segmentation, identification and management of operational and compliance risks and in the coordination and execution of training and awareness programs at the corporate level.

Our Company

We are a company oriented to provide solutions to our clients in our knowledge areas. It is made up of an experienced team in corporate governance, ethics and compliance, risk management and sustainability, with experience in companies from multiple sectors.

We guide the structuring and implementation of compliance models, framed in the best corporate governance practices, for the treatment of associated risks, fraud and asset corruption, in a practical and integrated way in the scheme of risk management and internal control, through the strengthening of culture, protecting reputation as the most valuable asset in the entire organization.

We help to integrate elements of risk analysis at strategic, tactical and operational level into their decision-making processes, and advise on the structuring of management models that integrate the objectives, risks and resources, for planning and executing the strategy in the business’ units.

Guidance on the integration of risk models and compliance with sustainability strategies, according to the standards adopted in the organization and support in the structuring of sustainability reports and the integration of best practices in these models.

We want to be allies in the long term to accompany the needs of the organization seeking to be at the forefront in terms of corporate governance, ethics, risks and compliance.

Sustainability based on risks

Sustainability is an increasingly relevant aspect for the fulfillment of the long-term strategy of the organizations and their interaction with the different interest groups. We accompany a multidisciplinary team in the evaluation, closing of gaps and presentation of relevant aspects such as:

  • Corporate governance, compliance and standards of conduct
  • Risk management, crisis and contingencies
  • Supply chain management
  • Environmental Management and climate change
  • Community management
  • Human rights and labor relations
  • Health and Safety at Work

We support the strategy for the structuring and presentation of evaluation reports of the different sustainability indices of more prestige at a global level. Likewise, we design and execute training and training plans, outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the culture of Sustainability in the organization.

Risk Management

We advise on the design, review, implementation and execution of qualitative and quantitative risk management models in:

  • The planning and monitoring of the strategy
  • The identification and management of Emerging Risks
  • In the business, operational and support processes
  • In the administration of financial operations
  • In the formulation and administration of projects
  • In the productive centers and operational headquarters

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the risk culture in the organization and evaluate the level of maturity of the existing Risk Management System. We use approaches and methodologies based on the international standards COSO-ERM and ISO 31000.

We accompany the leaders of strategic business units to structure their risk-based management plan, which allows them to plan, execute and monitor the execution of their strategy, as well as report the results obtained from risk management in a practical and precise manner.