

We advise organizations in:

The review of its governance structure, decision making, support committees and performance evaluations of senior management.

  • The design, adjustment and implementation of the Good Governance Code and associated policies.
  • The evaluation of the existing corporate governance model against the highest international standards and applicable regulatory requirements in the matter.
  • The articulation of the Corporate Governance scheme with the Compliance Program.

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the Good Governance culture in the organization. We rely on the highest international standards as defined by the OECD, UN, NYSE, among others.


It is necessary that the Compliance Programs are adjusted to the reality of each organization. Therefore, it is essential that they be designed and structured as risk-based models, taking into account the particularities of compliance risks.

We support organizations in:

  • The design, review and structuring of Compliance Programs – Prevention of fraud, corruption, bribery, LAFT, breach of Competition Rules, data protection and regulatory compliance in general – and its adjustment with global best practices.
  • The evaluation of the level of maturity of the existing Programs.
  • Alignment with the requirements of standards such as ISO 19600, ISO 37001, FATF recommendations and other best practices

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the Ethics and Compliance culture in the organization. We rely on the highest international standards that regulate ethics and compliance issues.


We advise on the design, review, implementation and execution of qualitative and quantitative risk management models in:

  • The planning and monitoring of the strategy
  • The identification and management of Emerging Risks
  • In the business, operational and support processes
  • In the administration of financial operations
  • In the formulation and administration of projects
  • In the productive centers and operational headquarters

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the risk culture in the organization and evaluate the level of maturity of the existing Risk Management System. We use approaches and methodologies based on the international standards COSO-ERM and ISO 31000.

We accompany the leaders of strategic business units to structure their risk-based management plan, which allows them to plan, execute and monitor the execution of their strategy, as well as report the results obtained from risk management in a practical and precise manner.


Sustainability is an increasingly relevant aspect for the fulfillment of the long-term strategy of the organizations and their interaction with the different interest groups. We accompany a multidisciplinary team in the evaluation, closing of gaps and presentation of relevant aspects such as:

  • Corporate governance, compliance and standards of conduct
  • Risk management, crisis and contingencies
  • Supply chain management
  • Environmental Management and climate change
  • Community management
  • Human rights and labor relations
  • Health and Safety at Work

We support the strategy for the structuring and presentation of evaluation reports of the different sustainability indices of more prestige at a global level. Likewise, we design and execute training and training plans, outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the culture of Sustainability in the organization.

Ethics and Compliance

It is necessary that the Compliance Programs are adjusted to the reality of each organization. Therefore, it is essential that they be designed and structured as risk-based models, taking into account the particularities of compliance risks.

We support organizations in:

  • The design, review and structuring of Compliance Programs – Prevention of fraud, corruption, bribery, LAFT, breach of Competition Rules, data protection and regulatory compliance in general – and its adjustment with global best practices.
  • The evaluation of the level of maturity of the existing Programs.
  • Alignment with the requirements of standards such as ISO 19600, ISO 37001, FATF recommendations and other best practices.

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the Ethics and Compliance culture in the organization. We rely on the highest international standards that regulate ethics and compliance issues.

Corporate Governance

We advise organizations in:
The review of its governance structure, decision making, support committees and performance evaluations of senior management.

• The design, adjustment and implementation of the Good Governance Code and associated policies.

• The evaluation of the existing corporate governance model against the highest international standards and applicable regulatory requirements in the matter.

• The articulation of the Corporate Governance scheme with the Compliance Program.

We design and execute training and training plans, as well as outreach and communication plans, to strengthen the Good Governance culture in the organization. We rely on the highest international standards as defined by the OECD, UN, NYSE, among others.

Sostenibilidad basada en riesgos

La sostenibilidad es un aspecto cada vez más relevante para el cumplimiento de la estrategia a largo plazo de las organizaciones y en su interacción con los diferentes grupos de interés. Acompañamos con un equipo multidisciplinario en la evaluación, cierre de brechas y presentación de aspectos relevantes como:

  • Gobierno corporativo, cumplimiento y estándares de conducta
  • Gestión de riesgo, crisis y contingencias
  • Gestión de cadena de abastecimiento
  • Gestión Ambiental y cambio climático
  • Manejo de comunidades
  • Derechos humanos y relaciones laborales
  • Salud y seguridad en el trabajo

Apoyamos la estrategia para la estructuración y presentación de informes de evaluación de los diferentes índices de sostenibilidad de más prestigio a nivel global. Así mismo, diseñamos y ejecutamos planes de formación y capacitación, planes de divulgación y comunicación, para fortalecer la cultura de Sostenibilidad en la organización.

Gestión de riesgos

Asesoramos en el diseño, revisión, puesta en marcha y ejecución de modelos cualitativos y cuantitativos de administración de riesgos en:

  • La planeación y seguimiento de la estrategia
  • La identificación y gestión de Riesgos Emergentes
  • En los procesos de negocio, operativos y de soporte
  • En la administración de operaciones financieras – riesgos de mercado, liquidez y crédito
  • En la formulación y administración de proyectos
  • En los centros productivos y sedes operativas

Diseñamos y ejecutamos planes y herramientas de formación y capacitación, así como planes de divulgación y comunicación, para fortalecer la cultura del riesgo en la organización y evaluamos el nivel de madurez del Sistema de Gestión de Riesgos existente. Utilizamos enfoques y metodologías basadas en los estándares internacionales COSO- ERM e ISO 31000.

Brindamos aseguramiento independiente sobre el cumplimiento de políticas y metodologías de gestión de los diferentes riesgos ante los cuales la organización está expuesta, basados en normas y estándares internacionalmente aceptados.

Acompañamos a los líderes de unidades estratégicas de negocio a estructurar su plan de gestión basado en riesgos, que le permita planear, ejecutar y monitorear la ejecución de su estrategia, así como reportar los resultados obtenidos de la gestión de riesgos de una manera práctica y precisa.